
Hello there!

We are Joshua & Shaina, and we are in love with experimenting & experiencing life, through biohacking, photography, healthy living, sustainability & making the planet a happier place to live in. This is a collection of the rather odd, rather nerdy, and rather wonderful things we want to share with our friends, family and anyone who wants to join our experivida!

About Joshua
Joshua has been engineering & biohacking his health for several years after being inspired by the primal nutrition movement and following in the footsteps of his heroes Dave Asprey of The Bulletproof Executive & Mark Sisson of Mark's Daily Apple. He got certified as a personal trainer (for fun), and enjoys weightlifting, climbing, yoga & trail running. Joshua's love for photography led him to CreativeLive, which he is learning skills about photo editing in Lightroom, HDR photography and shooting in RAW.

Joshua's favorite..

  • FL, US & World Adventure: The Florida Keys, San Francisco, Prague & Vienna. 
  • Local Florida food source: The Melbourne Farmer's Market on Thursdays
  • Workout: Dead-lifts

About Shaina
Shaina owns her own Orlando photography studio specializing in Organic Lifestyle Portraits & Weddings: { SDP } Shaina DeCiryan Photography. She has traveled extensively throughout the world doing everything from racing the sun on a rusty bike to catch the sunrise at Angor Wat to volunteering to coach girl's soccer in Egypt during the 2011 revolution. After choosing the perfect college to follow her dreams of being a botanist, entomologist, briologist, etc., she realized her brain hated the confines of quantitative world, and instead was drawn to the qualitative light of ethnographic journeys, linguistics, life drawing, bookmaking & Intaglio printmaking techniques. She has already achieved many of her life dreams- such as filling up her passport by the age of 30 (she did it from age 21-27), and living on the opposite side of the world (New Zealand- for 2 years).

Meanwhile, from the age of 14, she has been obsessively practicing & perfecting her most beloved craft- photography.

Shaina's favorite..

  • FL, US & World Adventure: Payne's Prairie Wilderness, SE Alaska & Bali
  • Local Florida food source: : East End Market in Winter Park.
  • Workout: Trail running as the sun sets 
 Nutrition we can't live without: Coconut oil (tea + cooking), Rubinstein's Red Salmon, Space Girl Organic veggies, our berry post-workout mix, and Joshua's double fermented kombucha.


  1. Awwww... love these descriptions of two very fine and beautiful people on our dear planet. May you be successful at all of your endeavors and expirivedas!! Health and Happiness to all of us!!!


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